Malawi is world renowned as a birdwatcher’s paradise. The country boasts over 650 different species of birds. Lake Malawi provides an ideal habitat for bird life and is said to have the highest concentration of African Fish Eagles (Malawi’s National Bird) on the continent. Their cry is frequently heard echoing around Nankoma Island and you’ll often see this majestic bird circling high above, searching the waters, preparing for its next magnificent swooping attack.
The Marellis sing with a plethora of exotic bird life, supporting an estimated 350 species. In 2019 the first pair of nesting African Pitta’s (Pitta Angolensis / Angolan Pitta) were spotted – a rare and spectacular migratory bird deemed “the holy grail of African birds”. More common sightings include the peculiar trumpeter hornbill, paradise-flycatcher, cormorants, sunbirds, bee-eaters, kingfishers, owls, storks, swifts, thrushes, weavers and spinetails.
The protection offered by the parks UNESCO status, coupled with the fact that the islands are un-inhabited, isolated and free of monkeys has provided a rare natural haven and breeding ground for birds.
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